Lobbying to convince any individual of the merits of your position requires an
understanding of the rationale that supports that belief. Your goal is not to
threaten or antagonize, but to influence on the basis of your knowledge and
understanding of the issues.
Be Prepared —Before You Lobby, Do Your Homework
Know Yourself
Be aware of your own personal prejudices or biases. Such knowledge will enable
you to maintain objectivity by anticipating your own response in a given
Know Your Organization
If you are speaking on its behalf, you will want to be a credible
representative. Be fully aware of your organization’s positions and their
development as well as the relationship it maintains with other organizations
and with the legislature.
Know Your Legislator
Make an attempt to understand the basis for your legislator’s positions which
may include his or her:
• record on related legislation and/or votes (be aware of any prior favorable
commitment to your cause);
• party, position, and tenure in legislative and political power structure;
• constituent pressures;
• general predispositions;
• responsiveness to various kinds of personal interviews (sensitivity to
legislative attitudes about approach is essential).
Your appearance as an objective individual, able to deal sympathetically with
the concerns of both sides, will be enhanced.
Know Your Issue
Phrase the argument in your own words. Don’t be surprised if it appears you are
more knowledgeable than the individual you are lobbying. No one can be expected
to address every question or matter of concern regarding an issue, however so
don’t hesitate to admit your lack of knowledge on a particular point. Be willing
to pursue the answer and report back.
Know Your Opposition
It is preferable to anticipate the opposition and answer their arguments
positively before those arguments surface publicly.
Effective Individual Communication
Your maximum influence comes in addressing your comments directly to your own
The Personal Visit
Perhaps the most effective method of transmitting your message, a personal visit
allows both of you to connect names with faces. In communication afterward, you
will have established yourself as a known concerned constituent. If your
legislator is holding a hearing or workshop, try to attend. It is a good time to
meet your legislator informally.
If your representative is not available, ask to meet the legislative assistant.
S/he can generally be expected to be at least as well informed as your
representative, and may have more influence than you suspect.
The Telephone
The telephone can be an effective tool. Remind the legislator of any previous
contact. If the member is not available, speak with the legislative assistant.
During the legislative session, a toll free “hotline” is available
(1-800-562-6000) through which information on the status of bills can be
obtained. Messages can be left for your legislator. They should be brief and
specific. Leave your name, address and phone number.
The Letter
Letters are important for the legislator and/or staff. The amount of mail on a
particular piece of legislation frequently helps determine the legislators’
approach to an issue. One well written letter will often prove more weighty than
a formal petition with many signatures. For this reason, it is generally
considered better to express your opinion as an individual rather than as a
member of an organization whose positions may already be well known to
Mailgrams are a quick, dramatic alternative to the standard letter. They may be
sent anywhere and delivered the following day. The minimum charge allows for 50
Faxing is a way to get your message to the committee immediately. You can also
call the committee directly with your message, be sure to get their fax number
at the same time.
Email can be an efficient way to send messages for those with computer
capability. You can find individual addresses under Senate or House Home Pages
Timing is everything. Make your call at a strategic time — just before a vote,
for instance, or immediately following action by your legislator in support of
your cause. Write when you know a particular piece of legislation is pending
before a committee or when a bill is about to come before the full House or
Some DOs and DON’Ts for Lobbyists
Address your Senator or Representative properly.
Identify yourself immediately at each contact. Public officials meet too many
people to remember everyone.
Know the status of the legislation. Refer to a bill by number whenever
Use your own words.
Be brief and explicit, courteous and reasonable.
Establish your own credentials or expertise on the subject of legislation
under consideration.
Give legislators succinct, easy to read literature; highlight important facts
and arguments. Their time is limited.
Write the chair or members of a committee holding hearings on legislation in
which you are interested if you have facts that you think should influence his
or her thinking.
Get to know legislative staff and treat them courteously. Their cooperation
can make or break your chances to reach the legislators themselves.
Always keep off-the-record comments confidential.
Write to say you approve, not just to criticize or oppose.
In a letter include your address and sign your name legibly.
Keep the door open for further discussion in spite of any apparently negative
Don’t begin, “As a citizen and tax payer” (your elected representative knows
we all pay taxes).
Don’t apologize for taking his or her time. If you are brief and to the point
s/he will be glad to hear from you.
Don’t be arrogant, condescending or threatening toward legislators or their
Don’t argue or back recalcitrant legislators into a corner where they take a
definite position against you.
Don’t make notes of a conversation while talking to a legislator.
Don’t send copies or form letters unless you have taken the time to include a
personal note.